Scenario: You belong to a team of video game designers who have recently launched a real-time strategy video game similar in design to titles like Starcraft, Warcraft, Command and Conquer, and Age of Empires. In this stage of video game development, your team is currently designing units that will be used in battle. Among the units being considered for inclusion in the game is the “Firefly,” which has been proposed by you. You will need to explain to the rest of the team what the “Firefly” is and how the players might obtain it in the game.

The Firefly Project is an activity in our Technical Communication course where students must show their skills in both writing and visual design: in my own interpretation of the scenario. For this activity, I had made a concept of the Firefly fresh out of the scenario, and made them into three sets of infographic to visualize my concept.

The logo for The Firefly were done in Adobe Illustrator (first drew them traditionally) and the designs afterwards were done in Adobe Photoshop.

The Firefly Project


The Firefly Project
